Hezbollah - Stealing Ideas from the Jews
I saw the flag used by Hezbollah and it occurred to me that it looked as if it was inspired by the movie poster for the Otto Preminger film EXODUS. Very odd...that was a movie that portrayed the Jews creating the state of Israel in a very heroic light.
It turns out that the poster for EXODUS was created by Saul Bass. You take a look and tell me if you see the simularity:

It turns out that the poster for EXODUS was created by Saul Bass. You take a look and tell me if you see the simularity:

How come noone else noticed this??? You are definetly the smartest woman alive.
Good catch. VERY interesting!
If any of the original cast of Exodus are still alive, wouldn't it be interesting to get their opinion of this similarity?
You are definitely intelligent and beautiful.
Hang on. The Exodus poster doesn't feature a phallus like the Hezbo flag does.
That is one awesome find. The IDF should hijack Al Manar's airwaves again and broadcast it. Then the AP could watch bewildered, as Hezbollah runs around burning their own flags.
Oh, the very mental image that forms has me in tears laughing.
I guess the logical next step is for whoever has the rights for the movie and/or poster to contact a copyright lawyer.
Who knows, they might win some missles, or even a suicide bomber or two.
Fascists may copy Sabras but they will never be Sabra!
excellent movie
Rather similar. Don't these guys have any originality?
Michelle told me to come here. Love it, love it. I wonder what nonsense Hezbullies would come up with to trample this one?
I thought the design of the Hezbollah looked familiar, but I couldn't quite put my finger on it.
Thanks. What an interesting discovery. It's hard to think that this is just a coincidence. Do you think Hezbollah is capable of irony?
Their religion is a copy of the jews too.
Peter Lewis said...
If any of the original cast of Exodus are still alive, wouldn't it be interesting to get their opinion of this similarity?
I believe that Paul Newman, Eva Marie Saint and Jill Haworth are still alive. I would like to know what they think about Hezbollah.
I would like to see their flags used as burial shrouds for their guerillas. Hopefully, they'll need more....
We're talking copyright infringement.
Time to use another flag PARTY OF god before you get sued.
I thought there was something about the design on that flag and that's it! Someone noticed that the Hezbo flag has a phallic symbol. Has anyone noticed on the Exodus poster, to the right of the arm holding up the rifle, it looks like someone holding up a middle finger? I guess the Hezbo flag is yellow because it represents the "religion of p1ss".
I, too, came here via Michelle Malkin.
Any chance of a translation the script?
In all honesty they;'re both based on a simple concept, and the Hezbollah flag could have actually been thought up just as the Exodus logo was. But what I've always found odd is that the Hezbollah chose that design over something more accurate of their goals, like say a bleeding, dying Israeli child.
"Hang on. The Exodus poster doesn't feature a phallus like the Hezbo flag does."
Thats because the hezbos are schmekles. (they need a flag to remind them what it looks llike)
Lets hope the Hezbo flag will be flying over all of Isreal soon then at last there will be peace in the mid east. Give back what you stole your dirty Zionists (subsitute Facists, Racists, state terrorists)
Nothing like a little racist hatred to wind up your weekend!
Hi, The Arabs steal everything from the Jews. They even stole the name Palestine. I noticed that Hizbollah ripped off the exodus symbol a while back after watching the movie and re-reading the book. Hizbollah also stole the Jewish shawl that the Iranians and the 1964 Plo also wear over their shirts.
Me again folks- check out internet haganah co.il/ and you will see how Hizbollah and hamas have web servers hosting in the USA. And yes, I repeat, the arabs steal everything from the Jews. also, if you study architecture, and the history of the middle east you will see how the moslems merely superimposed themselves over byzantine civilizatiion when they came to power, in other words the muslims never invented anything, they just stole from the byzantines. For example, the grand mozque in mecca is an exact copy of the Doge's heaquarters in Venice. James Just
Sue the bastards!
I spilt some tomato sauce on the table cloth and I gotta say it looks just like a Palestinian suicide attack. Those bastards!
All yal can kiss an ass they are nothing alike cause for one that one pictures doesnt even look like a ak47 and for two they mean totaly different things..fuck isreal and the jews
"Anonymous" has crawled out from under the Green Football again! I am almost certain that "Anonymous" translates into Adnan Hajj in Arabic.
That being the case, Hajj, you may see something completely different than the rest of us after all.
I thought it looked familiar, too. Geez, they couldn't have an original thought if they tried.
I am not a jew nor a christian, but I think hezbollah is in real serious need of some original ideas. Hezbollah, please try harder and stop behaving like idiots and morons on the intenational arena. Please stop disgracing yourselves. You are not winning our sympathy but our irritation. We know you are liars, hypocrites, people with nothing better to do but to endanger others as well as your own woman and children. If you are real men, stop your nonsense. If you do not stop, you prove yourselves as dogs, pigs incapable of reasoning.
you're all overfed farts.
I agree
you're all overfed, propaganda-bloated farts
that is not a fallice for those of you too simple minded to see beyond the first layer of meaning of this flag.
What I see when I look at it I see "Hezbollah" script above and underneath and two symbols important to the resistance. A weapon and that globe-like thing (don't know what it is). Then I look down and see some hands reaching for some gun. Not even recent. Very different meanings, context, and implicationg. You people are dumb as fuck.
Dumb, huh? Is that the best insult you can write? I think the "dumb" people are those who allow themselves to be led by murderous leaders and convinced that the way to reach paradise is by killing a bunch of unsuspecting civilians.
Well said, Lucius. Although I do feel a bit gassy, I am not so bloated as to believe that Hezbollah has conceived any original ideas.
As for the cowardly “Anonymous”, don’t you have a rebuilding project in Lebanon to tend to, or some photos to doctor or something?
The arabs steal many things from the jews and the jews steal ONLY the arab's lands.
PS - kill the palestinian's children, too.
To the illiterate jews:
The arabs don't create nothing, almost everything is a copy of the jewish civilization, of course!!!
But nobody can deny that the arab civilization create the mathematics.
Anyone need more???!!!
Dear jews, please be calm, you aren't the people choose by GOD.
Now the world knows what's to be a jew.
PS - I'm not arab neither jew, thanks God!
To the illiterate jews:
The arabs don't create nothing, almost everything is a copy of the jewish civilization, of course!!!
But nobody can deny that the arab civilization create the mathematics.
Anyone need more???!!!
Dear jews, please be calm, you aren't the people choose by GOD.
Now the world knows what's to be a jew.
PS - I'm not arab neither jew, thanks God!
So, has anyone stopped to think that saul bass may have gotten this idea from somewhere, and that it may not be 100% original?
Just look at WWI and WWII posters from around the world. There are a lot of raised guns.
Before this, raised muskets.
Before that, raised swords.
It's always been a sign of a movement, a revolution in some cases, but a strength in warfare symbol.
Saul Bass didn't invent the raised gun, neither did Hezbollah.
The beheading of design.
How appropriate.
Honestly, you have to be an idiot to believe that the design is a rip-offs, the concepts are completely different and the picture presents two different views...
FOR THE JEWS ON THIS BLOGS... aren't you decsendents of Ibrahim?? and Ibrahim didn't had a religion!!! So shouldn't you all be atheist? Convert NOW!!
sorry but the hizbollah flag is actually taKen from the iranian revolutionay gurad the two flags are very similar
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Sepah.jpg there is iranian revlutionary guard flag compare
The design of the Iranian Guards is copied from Exodus. The Hezbollahs in turn copied from the Iranian Guards. Copies of copies.
Who gives a flying fuck!
Hezbollah Stealing Ideas from the Jews, come on!
Who gives a damn anyways what matters is what they are doing out their.
Hey im impressed therefore im going to offer you a Free iPad
Hah. As if any body cares what they do or don't?
Hizbulla is doing the right thing. Israel is the only country in the world which has no defined boundary as it changed everyday
I saw the both pictures. But some little bit of variation is there....
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