Sorry about the long absence...I will try to make amends later!
************Intellectual discourse about politics and the media.************ "No friend ever served me, and no enemy ever wronged me, whom I have not repaid in full." -- Lucius Cornelius Sulla --
The left wingers are singing with joy over a recent CNN poll that suggests that a majority of Americans think that Bill Clinton was a superior president to George Bush. Clinton was president during a time of peace and prosperity...I think the poll measures the respondents' desire for the good old days, rather than the abilities of the two leaders.
Here is what the Carpetbagger Report says:
Clinton, meanwhile, doesn't need partisans to make his presidency look good — after a few years of watching Bush, Americans can't help but miss having a competent, capable leader in the Oval Office.
Clinton did little to move the country forward or to prepare for the dangers on the horizon. He gave us dozens of tiny, populist programs to please the masses. But he ignored the major dangers that his successor is now forced to deal with.
Immigration policy? Punt. Stopping the spread of Islamo-terrorism? Punt.
It is a good thing Bill Clinton is not president now...otherwise we would all best be studying Arabic and boning up on the Sharia.
Air Force Gen. Michael Hayden, nominated Monday by President Bush to become the director of the CIA, headed the NSA from March 1999 to April 2005. In that post, Hayden would have overseen the agency's domestic call-tracking program. Hayden declined to comment about the program.
Ah. Now maybe we know the reason for this leak...the traitors in the intelligence community don't want General Hayden to take over at the CIA.
Sources, however, say that is not the case. With access to records of billions of domestic calls, the NSA has gained a secret window into the communications habits of millions of Americans. Customers' names, street addresses and other personal information are not being handed over as part of NSA's domestic program, the sources said. But the phone numbers the NSA collects can easily be cross-checked with other databases to obtain that information.
Ohhhh...so scary!
The usefulness of the NSA's domestic phone-call database as a counterterrorism tool is unclear. Also unclear is whether the database has been used for other purposes.
I asked Mike if we were going to get some action on Brett Kavenaugh's nomination. Mike did not appear to know what I was talking about (at least until I said the magic word "judges").
State Auditor (as well as once and future Attorney General) Betty Montgomery was also there, as was RNC Chairman JoAnn Davidson.
Now, here is a closup of the area marked in the yellow oval:
Neat, huh? Looks like Jim Kirk and company are keeping the ragtag, fugitive fleet safe!